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WOW SEA Art Programme

Client:  Singapore International Foundation

Audience: Volunteer facilitators, Indonesian public school students 7-18

Role: Curriculum development, lesson plans, slides, training manual, online training module, screencast video creation

Tools: Google Suite, Canva, Quicktime, Thinkific

Year: 2022

Online Training Course

Design Process

This programme's design allows virtual or in-person delivery to K-12 students in public schools in Indonesia.  The programme will be facilitated by volunteers, so I also developed a volunteer training module with an online course and training guide to prepare volunteers to lead the programme.​


My design work on this project included the following steps: (1) developing a curriculum with clear programme objectives, methodology, learning outcomes, and learning objectives for each lesson. (2) Writing four 2-hour lesson plans and differentiating each for 3  age levels, for a total of 12 lesson plans. (3) Designing slides to accompany each lesson. (4) Creating an online training module for volunteer facilitators and (5) writing a volunteer training guide.

Volunteer Training Guide

Sample Lesson Plan

© 2020 by Stephanie Kolentsis

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